plant trees save earth drawing

There are hundreds of taglines and slogans available on Save Trees, Tree Plantation and Deforestation online. I have shortlisted few good slogans and taglines to save your time and energy. Here they are!

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  • List of Save Trees & Forest Conservation Awareness Days Observed Worldwide

Slogans & Quotes on…

  1. Save Trees | National Tree Day
  2. Importance of Trees
  3. Tree Plantation | Arbor Day
  4. Save Paper | World Paper Free Day
  5. Deforestation & Save Forests | International Day of Forests
  6. Save Wetlands | World Wetlands Day
  7. Gardening and Flower Plantation | International Flower Day
  8. Popular Quotes on Trees

List of Save Trees & Forest Conservation Awareness Days Observed Worldwide

Arbor Days in January

Date Day Location
10 January National Houseplant Appreciation Day USA
11 January Day of National Parks and Nature Reserves of Russia Russia
14 January National Forest Conservation Day Thailand
15 January Arbor Day Jordan, Egypt and Malta
19 January International Flower Day UK, USA, India

Arbor Days in February

Date Day Location
2 February World Wetlands Day Worldwide

Arbor Days in March

Date Day Location
5 March National Tree Planting Day Iran
12 March Plant a Flower Day USA
12 March Arbor Day China, Taiwan
12 March Tree Day North Macedonia
Third Wednesday in March National Festival of Trees (Nationale Boomfeestdag) Netherlands
21 March International Day of Forests Kenya, India, Australia, USA, Canada
21 March National Forest Conservation Day Thailand
21 March World Planting Day Worldwide
21 March World Wood Day Worldwide
22 March National Tree Day Sint Maarten
24 March National Tree Planting Day Uganda

Arbor Days in April

Date Day Location
1 April National Tree Planting Day Tanzania
5 April Arbor Day (Sikmogil) South Korea
13 April International Plant Appreciation Day USA
21 April National Tree Planting Day Kenya
25 April Arbor Day (Tag des Baumes) Germany
29 April Arbor Day Colombia
Last Friday in April National Arbor Day Nebraska (USA)

Arbor Days in May

Date Day Location
1 May International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day
1 May World Naked Gardening Day Worldwide
4 May Greenery Day (Midori no Hi) Japan
5 May Arbor Day Dominican Republic
Second Friday in May National Public Gardens Day USA
Second Saturday in May All-Russian Day of Forest Planting Russia
Second Saturday in May National Tree Planting Day Mongolia
10 May World Cactus Day Worldwide
10 May Birds and Trees Day Hungary
22 May Arbor Day Guatemala and Ecuador
24 May European Day of Parks
30 May National Water a Flower Day USA
30 May Arbor Day Honduras
Last Sunday in May National Arbor Day Venezuela

Arbor Days in June

Date Day Location
5 June Arbor Day New Zealand
15 June Arbor Day Costa Rica
19 June Arbor Day Paraguay
20 June Arbor Day Australia
21 June Arbor Day Cuba
22 June World Rainforest Day Worldwide
Last Friday in June Arbor Day Nicaragua
25 June Arbor Day Philippines

Arbor Days in July

Date Day Location
1-7 July National Festival of Tree Planting (Van Mahotsav) India
6 July Arbor Day Chile
8 July | (Second Thursday in July) National Tree Day Mexico
9 July Arbor Day Cambodia
20 July National Tree Planting Day Central African Republic
26 July International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem India
Last Friday in July Schools Tree Day Australia
Last Weekend in July National Tree Day Australia

Arbor Days in August

Date Day Location
3 August Arbor Day Niger
9 August Smokey Bear's Birthday United States
18 August National Tree Planting Day Pakistan
29 August Arbor Day Argentina

Arbor Days in September

Date Day Location
1 September Arbor Day Peru
Third Friday in September PARK(ing) Day USA
21 September Arbor Day (Dia da Arvore) Brazil
22 September National Arbor Day Barbados
Date changes every year National Tree Day Canada
Last Friday in September Arbor Day US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico

Arbor Days in October

Date Day Location
1 October Arbor Day Northern Mariana Islands
1 October National Arbor Day Bolivia
First Monday in October World Habitat Day Worldwide
Second Friday in October Arbor Day Namibia
Second Saturday in October National Tree Planting Day Mongolia
10 October Arbor Day Poland
Second Tuesday in October Arbor Day Guam
20 October Arbor Day Czech Republic
21 October National Annual Tree Loving Day Thailand

Arbor Days in November

Date Day Location
6 November | (First Friday in November) Arbor Day Samoa
6 November World Paper Free Day Worldwide
13 November | (Second Saturday in November) National Tree Day Luxembourg
14 November | (Second Sunday in November) National Tree Festival Tunisia
15 November National Tree Planting Day Sri Lanka
22 November Arbor Day British Virgin Islands

Arbor Days in December

Date Day Location
13 December | (Second Monday in December) National Tree Planting Day Malawi
19 December Look For An Evergreen Day USA

See the complete list of Environmental Awareness Days and Ecological Observances celebrated worldwide

Best Save Trees Slogans and Quotes

Save Trees Slogans and Quotes

See more attractive picture quotes based on Save Trees

Slogans on Save Trees

  1. Save Trees, Plant Trees
  2. Stop the chop.
  3. Save Trees, Save Environment.
  4. Protect green, protect yourself
  5. Don't be a bug, give trees a hug.
  6. Cut the greed, not the green
  7. Save birds and the bees,
    stop cutting down the trees.
  8. Cutting trees is not at all fair,
    if you want to breathe really fresh air.
  9. Trees are the lungs of earth,
    saving them is definitely worth.

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  1. Saving trees means saving humanity;
    be wise and stop this insanity.
  2. Trees are the most valuable asset;
    without them, our lives will be on threat.
  3. Trees are gift from nature,
    save them for sustainable future.
  4. Trees are god gifted treasure;
    their absence will increase environmental pressure.
  5. Trees are nature's boon,
    without them we all will die soon.
  6. No fruits, no birds, no beautiful song;
    without trees we cannot live for long.
  7. Save trees to combat climate change;
    or earth will definitely take it's revenge
  8. Save trees all 365 days,
    to get protected from ultra-violet rays

Quotes on Save Trees

Save Trees Quotes

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  1. Cutting down a tree is like cutting down your own supply of oxygen.

  1. One tree can make a million matches; one match can destroy a million trees.

  1. "People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people." — Bryce Nelson

  1. "God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools." — John Muir

  1. "Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky, we fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness." — Khalil Gibran

  1. "If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason." — Jack Handey

  1. "To exist as a nation, to prosper as a state, to live as a people, we must have trees." — Theodore Roosevelt

  1. "When trees burn, they leave the smell of heartbreak in the air." — Jodi Thomas

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Creative Slogans and Quotes on Importance of Trees | International Plant Appreciation Day | Birds and Trees Day

Importance of Trees | International Plant Appreciation Day | Birds and Trees Day

See more attractive picture quotes based on Save Trees

  1. Trees are important!
  2. Trees are green gold.
  3. God's most wonderful creations, trees serve us for many many generations.
  4. Trees are vital. Without them, earth would be fatal.
  5. Trees are earth's natural air conditioners.
  6. Buildings, buildings everywhere and no fresh air to breathe
  7. No matter how big or small; they all release oxygen if you recall.

Top Tree Plantation Slogans and Quotes | World Planting Day | Tu Bishvat | Van Mahotsav | Arbor Day

Tree Plantation Slogans and Quotes | World Planting Day

See more attractive picture quotes based on Tree Plantation

Slogans on Tree Plantation

  1. Tree plantation rocks!
  2. Plant in plenty
  3. One two three, let's plant a tree.
  4. Plant trees, be oxygenated.
  5. Each one, Plant one.
  6. Plant for the planet.
  7. Plant Trees, Not Bombs.
  8. Think Green and Plant something
  9. The best time to plant a tree is now.
  10. Let the green be seen!

Plant like crazy!

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  1. A plant a day keeps the floods away.
  2. Plant a tree a day and keep soil erosion away.
  3. Plant trees, reduce carbon footprints.
  4. Be wise, Let the greenery rise!
  5. Plant a tree, and get oxygen for free.
  6. Plant a tree, make our earth risk free
  7. If you cut a tree, you kill a life.
    If you save a tree, you save a life.
    But if you plant a tree, you plant a life.
  8. Let's plant trees and grow flowers;
    to give mother earth back her powers.
  9. If we want to regularize seasonal changes,
    Plant trees to reduce environmental challenges
  10. Plant a tree and see it grow;
    so you can enjoy the cool breeze flow.
  11. In planting trees if you take pain,
    there will be more oxygen and abundant rain.

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Quotes on Tree Plantation | Afforestation

Quotes on Tree Plantation | Afforestation

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  1. Planting a tree is much better than wearing a mask to be safe from pollution.

  1. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

  1. "He who plants a tree. Plants a hope." — Lucy Larcom

  1. "If a tree dies, plant another in its place." — Carl Linnaeus

  1. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." — Chinese Proverb

  1. "The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." — Nelson Henderson

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  1. "Trees are the best monuments that a man can erect to his own memory. They speak his praises without flattery, and they are blessings to children yet unborn." — Lord Orrery

  1. "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." — Warren Buffett

  1. "Plant trees. They give us two of the most crucial elements for our survival: oxygen and books." — Whitney Brown

  1. "That's the way I do things when I want to celebrate, I always plant a tree." — Wangari Maathai

Meaningful Slogans on Save Paper | World Paper Free Day

Meaningful Slogans on Save Paper | Save Trees, Stop Deforestation | World Paper Free Day

See more attractive picture quotes based on Save Paper

  1. Save Paper – Go Electronic!
  2. Think Before You Print
  3. Save Paper. Save Trees.
  4. Do you really need to Print?
  5. Be Green, Keep it on the Screen.
  6. It's nifty to be thrifty. Save paper
  7. It is Simpler saving paper than planting trees.
  8. Money grows on trees: Recycle paper
  9. Don't kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.

Save Forests / Anti Deforestation Slogans and Quotes | International Day of Forests | World Rainforest Day

Save Trees and Forests / Anti Deforestation Slogans and Quotes | International Day of Forests | World Rainforest Day

See more attractive picture quotes based on Save trees and forests

  1. Stop deforestation
  2. Afforestation Rocks!
  3. Go for afforestation
  4. Forests are the Lungs of the Earth
  5. Deforestation will lead us to devastation.
  6. Forests- oxygen factory on the Earth.
  7. Slogans Can't Save Rainforests. But You Can.
  8. Don't dig your own grave. Stop deforestation.
  9. What do the forests bear? Soil, water and pure air
  10. "Reversing deforestation is complicated; planting a tree is simple." — Martin O'Malley

Save Wetlands Slogans | World Wetlands Day | International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

Save Wetlands Slogans | World Wetlands Day

See more attractive picture quotes based on Save Mangroves / Wetlands

  1. Save the wetlands
  2. Wetlands are wild!
  3. Protect our wetlands
  4. Wetlands are 'Biological Supermarkets'
  5. Conserve wetlands to preserve biodiversity
  6. Life thrives in wetlands. Save our Wetlands
  7. Join the hands, to save our wetlands
  8. A world without wetlands is a world without water. Conserve Wetlands
  9. We are not powerless against Climate Change. Stop Draining Wetlands
  10. Wetlands save us from storms and floods, let's give them big big hugs

Gardening and Flower Plantation Slogans and Quotes | Plant a Flower Day | National Water a Flower Day | International Flower Day

Gardening and Flower Plantation Slogans and Quotes | Plant a Flower Day | National Water a Flower Day

See more attractive picture quotes based on Flowers and Gardening

  1. Flowers feed the soul. Plant a flower
  2. Bloom your dreams like flowers
  3. All things grow with love
  4. Grow more and get more
  5. Flowers are God's way of smiling
  6. A beautiful garden is a work of heart
  7. As the Garden Grows, so does the Gardener
  8. Don't wait for someone to bring you Flowers, Plant your Own Garden
  9. Plant a Flower and you can have many smiling flowers around you.
  10. Flowers have the power to lift anyone's mood. Plant a flower today!
  11. When you water the flowers, you express them your love and that's why they bloom so beautifully. Happy Water a Flower Day.

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Popular Quotes on Trees

See more attractive picture quotes based on Save Trees

  1. "A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defense." — Woody Allen

  1. "Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop." — Rumi

  1. "If you love a tree you will be more beautiful than before." — Amit Ray

  1. "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." — Albert Camus

  1. "We can learn a lot from trees: they're always grounded but never stop reaching heavenward." — Everett Mamor

  1. "A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees." — William Blake

  1. "Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year." — Chad Sugg

Your plants are hungry!

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  1. "Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come." — Chinese proverb

  1. "Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf." — Albert Schweitzer

  1. "When you live in the shadow of a big tree, you have to run twice as fast to get into the sunlight." — Leonard Lauder

  1. "Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing." — Abraham Lincoln

  1. "Learn character from trees, values from roots and change from leaves." — Tasneem Hameed

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Which of these slogans is your favorite?

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked these quotes and slogans on save trees, tree plantation and deforestation. Do you know any other innovative quotes and slogans on the same topic? They would be a great addition to this list.

Please drop your comments below. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!

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